One tricky thing about web properties is that they have a tendency to disappear. But, as you know, on the internet, nothing ever disappears entirely.*
My first agency job was at a small independent agency in Seattle called Herring-Newman. They were surprisingly progressive about technology. We even had an extranet (we called it a coopranet; that term did not catch on, probably because I insisted on spelling it with an umlaut) which enabled us to share files with clients.
Here's a website I helped with, way back when. Embarassing.
That's me, on the right.
*Not true. The site I wrote to support my campaign and tagline "SayWA" (for Washington State Tourism) has been completely and utterly scrubbed. Good job, scrubbers! It was a pretty good site, too, featuring clear, well-organized methodology for co-op advertising using the state's new slogan and related materials. So it goes.